The comparison between two black algorithm implementations
[prerequisites] The prefix-sum of multiplicative function: the black algorithm
In order to enumerate $\text{class}_t$ where $t=\prod p_i^{r_i}$, we can build $t$ by iterating primes. There are two typical ways
- Ascending Iterate the primes by the ascending order.
- Descending Iterate the primes by the descending order.
The intuition is that these two implementation should have similar performance since both visit the same set of $\text{t}$. However, that’s not true.
The following code compares their performances. dfs0 is Descending and dfs1 is Ascending.
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using int64 = int64_t;
using uint64 = uint64_t;
const int maxp = 2000000;
int pcnt;
int pmask[maxp + 1];
int plist[maxp / 10];
static inline void InitPrimes() {
pcnt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxp; ++i) pmask[i] = i;
for (int i = 2; i <= maxp; ++i) {
if (pmask[i] == i) {
plist[pcnt++] = i;
for (int j = 0; j < pcnt; ++j) {
const int64 t = static_cast<int64>(plist[j]) * i;
if (t > maxp) break;
pmask[t] = plist[j];
if (i % plist[j] == 0) {
int64 counter1, counter2;
int64 dfs0(int limit, int64 n, int64 val, int imp, int64 vmp, int emp) {
int64 ret = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
const int64 p = plist[i];
const int nextimp = imp == -1 ? i : imp;
const int64 nextvmp = imp == -1 ? p : vmp;
const int64 valLimit = n / p / nextvmp;
if (val > valLimit) break;
int e = 1;
for (int64 nextval = val * p;; ++e) {
if (e >= 2) ++counter2;
ret += dfs0(i, n, nextval, nextimp, nextvmp, imp == -1 ? e : emp);
if (nextval > valLimit) break;
nextval *= p;
return ret;
int64 dfs1(int start, int limit, int64 n, int64 val, int imp, int64 vmp,
int emp) {
int64 ret = 1;
for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
const int64 p = plist[i];
const int64 valLimit = n / p / p;
if (val > valLimit) break;
int e = 1;
for (int64 nextval = val * p;; ++e) {
if (e >= 2) ++counter2;
ret += dfs1(i + 1, limit, n, nextval, i, p, e);
if (nextval > valLimit) break;
nextval *= p;
return ret;
int main() {
const int64 n = 1000000000000;
counter1 = counter2 = 0;
auto now = clock();
int64 ans = dfs0(pcnt, n, 1, -1, 1, 0);
auto usage = clock() - now;
printf("%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%.6f\n",
ans, counter1, counter2, counter1 + counter2,
1. * usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
counter1 = counter2 = 0;
auto now = clock();
int64 ans = dfs1(0, pcnt, n, 1, -1, 1, 0);
auto usage = clock() - now;
printf("%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%.6f\n",
ans, counter1, counter2, counter1 + counter2,
1. * usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 0;
The outputs are
188014195 98646232 89367962 188014194 2.045000
188014195 184400681 3613513 188014194 4.833000
The outputs of one-time execution. All the following outputs are the same.
The running time of Ascending implementation is $137.81\%$ slower than that of Descending implementation. The outer for-loop of Ascending implementation is simpler than that of Descending because it doesn’t need to find nextimp (the index if the largest prime) and nextvmp (the value of the largest prime). However, it is slower.
In order to find the root cause, $\text{counter1}$ and $\text{counter2}$ are added. The $\text{counter1}+\text{counter2}$ of the two implementations are the same: $\text{counter1}+\text{counter2}=\text{(result of dfs0 or dfs1)}-1$ because $\text{val}=1$ is not counted.
It means Ascending implementation spends more time on the outer for-loop and the Descending implementation spends more time on the inner for-loop.
Is it caused by the number of parameters ?
The parameter number of Ascending implementation is one more than that of Descending implementation. Is this the root cause?
int limit;
int64 dfs1(int start, int64 n, int64 val, int imp, int64 vmp, int emp) {
int64 ret = 1;
for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
const int64 p = plist[i];
const int64 valLimit = n / p / p;
if (val > valLimit) break;
int e = 1;
for (int64 nextval = val * p;; ++e) {
if (e >= 2) ++counter2;
ret += dfs1(i + 1, n, nextval, i, p, e);
if (nextval > valLimit) break;
nextval *= p;
return ret;
The new outputs are
188014195 98646232 89367962 188014194 2.058000
188014195 184400681 3613513 188014194 4.861000
The result is almost the same as the the previous outputs.
Is the ‘divide’ operation expensive ?
The outer for-loop is simply and the only possible expensive operation in outer for-loop is “n / p / p”. Let’s just reduce the number of ‘divide’ operations by changing it to “n / (p * p)”
The new outputs are
188014195 98646232 89367962 188014194 2.050000
188014195 184400681 3613513 188014194 2.537000
It means the ‘divide’ operation dominate the outer for-loop. It’s known the ‘divide’ operation on unsigned integer is faster than that on the signed integer, let’s change it to “uint64(n) / (uint64(p) * uint64(p))”.
The outputs are
188014195 98646232 89367962 188014194 2.051000
188014195 184400681 3613513 188014194 2.199000
Apply all the findings
In the previous section we just optimize the Ascending implementation but the Descending implementation is unchanged. Let’s apply all the findings to both implementations.
- Reduce the number of ‘divide’ operations.
- Use ‘divide’ operation on unsigned integer.
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using int64 = int64_t;
using uint64 = uint64_t;
const int maxp = 2000000;
int pcnt;
int pmask[maxp + 1];
int plist[maxp / 10];
static inline void InitPrimes() {
pcnt = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= maxp; ++i) pmask[i] = i;
for (int i = 2; i <= maxp; ++i) {
if (pmask[i] == i) {
plist[pcnt++] = i;
for (int j = 0; j < pcnt; ++j) {
const int64 t = static_cast<int64>(plist[j]) * i;
if (t > maxp) break;
pmask[t] = plist[j];
if (i % plist[j] == 0) {
int64 counter1, counter2;
uint64 dfs0(int limit, uint64 n, uint64 val, int imp, uint64 vmp, int emp) {
uint64 ret = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
const uint64 p = plist[i];
const int nextimp = imp == -1 ? i : imp;
const uint64 nextvmp = imp == -1 ? p : vmp;
const uint64 valLimit = n / (p * nextvmp);
if (val > valLimit) break;
int e = 1;
for (uint64 nextval = val * p;; ++e) {
if (e >= 2) ++counter2;
ret += dfs0(i, n, nextval, nextimp, nextvmp, imp == -1 ? e : emp);
if (nextval > valLimit) break;
nextval *= p;
return ret;
uint64 dfs1(int start, int limit, uint64 n, uint64 val, int imp, uint64 vmp,
int emp) {
uint64 ret = 1;
for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
const uint64 p = plist[i];
const uint64 valLimit = n / (p * p);
if (val > valLimit) break;
int e = 1;
for (uint64 nextval = val * p;; ++e) {
if (e >= 2) ++counter2;
ret += dfs1(i + 1, limit, n, nextval, i, p, e);
if (nextval > valLimit) break;
nextval *= p;
return ret;
int main() {
const int64 n = 1000000000000;
counter1 = counter2 = 0;
auto now = clock();
int64 ans = dfs0(pcnt, n, 1, -1, 1, 0);
auto usage = clock() - now;
printf("%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%.6f\n",
ans, counter1, counter2, counter1 + counter2,
1. * usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
counter1 = counter2 = 0;
auto now = clock();
int64 ans = dfs1(0, pcnt, n, 1, -1, 1, 0);
auto usage = clock() - now;
printf("%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%10" PRId64 "\t%.6f\n",
ans, counter1, counter2, counter1 + counter2,
1. * usage / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 0;
The outputs are
188014195 98646232 89367962 188014194 1.145000
188014195 184400681 3613513 188014194 2.208000
OK, the Ascending implementation is still slow because of the number of ‘divide’ operations
- $\frac{184400681}{98646232}\approx1.869313$
- $\frac{2.208000}{1.145000}\approx1.928384$
Meanwhile, these optimizations are also applied to the ntt implementation of pe. The test results can be found here (before optimization: test_id = 0, after optimization: test_id = 1). The average time is reduced $30.85\%$ from 58.664s to 40.567s.
Risk of optimization
It matters to reduce the number of ‘divide’ operation here. But the caveat is the $p^2$ has potential overflow risk. In this example, let’s say $n=p^2$ where $p=4294967291=2^{32}-5$ is the largest prime no more than $2^{32}$. Because $\frac{n}{p^2}=1$, when it checks the next prime $4294967311=2^{32}+15$, $p^2$ will result in overflow. Fortunately, the original version “n / p / p” which execute ‘divide’ operation twice doesn’t have this issue.
Consider parallelization
The pe has parallelization implementations. This code compares the performance of parallelization implementations. Here are a portion of the outputs.
Use “n / p / next_vmp” and “n / p / p”
n = 1000000000000
Use “n / (p * next_vmp)” and “n / (p * p)”
n = 1000000000000
The time corresponds to the parallelized Descending and the second time corresponds the parallelized Ascending. The time ratio is about 5 to 6. It means, the Ascending implemenation is not friendly to parallelization.